You're awesome for even being here...

This is how you can contribute monetarily, but if you can help out in any other way, please feel free to get in touch.

Maybe you can put it in your newsletter, put me in touch with media, are great at social media and want to help, have contacts at companies that may want to bring people or help sponsor. Or, maybe you have an awesome idea that will change the game! All help is appreciated and loved.

Thank You...

If you have or will walk some of the trail with me and wish to donate to the trail trust – or – want to help fuel my 6000 calorie day eating requirements, you can donate any amount you wish below;

Inside Out - Five Books


Inside Out - Five Books

Product Details

This is for five copies of Inside Out

Your purchase also includes;

  • One FREE book for you. (You pay for 4, you get 5)
  • One FREE book to an institution of your choice. (School, Prison, Library etc) Please reply to your confirmation email with the name and address of the institution. If no reply is sent, Jimi will choose the institution for you.
  • The Inside Out audiobook / ebook / PDF versions (delivered September 23rd by email)
  • Five matte laminated 'Inside Out & GTLMA' bookmark
  • 45min zoom with Jimi to discuss the book (or anything else)
  • Save your receipt because I’m creating a brand new immersive coaching experience and community that launches in the new year. I’ll be teaching new material that goes even further than the book, all for FREE (for you). (It will be a paid monthly subscription service for everyone else.)